Reformed Experimental Activities (REActivities) is a guided-inquiry lab pedagogy that transforms the commonplace 3- and 4-hour lab periods into powerful lab experiences dedicated to enhancing student engagement, analyzing observations, and honing lab skills with minimal lab instructor training. Improving student performance in chemistry, being mindful of inclusivity, and enhancing student confidence relative to lab practices were central to the creation of the REActicities lab materials. Students will be guided through a continuous cycle of observation, reasoning, and experiment. Read more about what it makes REActivities unique.
Chemistry and Culture is a general chemistry Lab workbook designed for students at a high school level. The cultural component is intended for students from diverse heritages to think about ways their ancestors may have used chemistry. The lab experiments use every day kitchen items. However, all experiments can be modified for a laboratory setting.
Organic Chemistry REActivities is a Lab workbook designed for the second-year undergraduates students in a co-requisite organic chemistry lab. See what makes this workbook unique and beneficial to both the instructors who adopt it and the students that learn from its process.
Sign Language Incorporation in Chemistry Education is an arm of the REActivities pedagogy. In recognition of the universal design to inclusively benefit Deaf and hard of hearing students learning chemistry, SLICE REActivities leverage these benefits for all students in an organic chemistry course.
Contact Information:
Professor of Chemistry
Rochester Institute of Technology
The authors acknowledge our ancestors and their contributions to chemistry.
The REActivities team is grateful for the generous support of the National Science Foundation, Rochester Institute of Technology, the National Institutes of Health, the University of New Mexico, Northern Arizona University, and Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute for their generous support with our design and development of these materials.