Sign Language Incorporation in Chemistry Education

2022 Diversity and Inclusion Prize

Our team is thrilled to be this year's recipient of the Royal Society of Chemistry's  Diversity and Inclusion Prize Awardee. We are so excited to share our work with you and we know our work is not done yet. We are humbled by this honor and emboldened to continue this important work.

Using our hands to recognize trends and rationalize stereochemical outcomes is the greatest advantage







Using your hands to model a concept or even move your hands to mirror a transition state is a powerful way for students to think about the electron pushing formalisms we write on paper and recognize mechanistic and repetitive trends. Using our hands as models changes the two-dimensional static framework of writing reactions into 3-D opportunities for students to conceptualize the repercussions of the transition state. Students can learn the process of using their hands as models as guided through a REActivity. 

Interested in incorporating your hands as models to represent the 3-D nature of a reaction? We have the tools for you.

SLICE REActivities are organized by transition state motifs and can be done as workshops (dry labs). It's important to note that we took some liberties in naming a few of the motifs. This has helped students with categorizing the trends for electron pushing and helps when students try communicating what mechanism they are employing for a given reaction. Downloadable pdfs of each SLICE Reactivity and the videos for each motif are available. 

See how SLICE was conceived by our team

Worksheets for Guided Transition State Sign Training and Practice

Mechanistic Motif: SN2

SN2 REActivities.pdf

Mechanistic Motif: SN1

SN1 REActivities

Mechanistic Motif: E-1

E1 REActivities

Mechanistic Motif: E-2

E2 REActivities

Mechanistic Motif: Pi-base

Pi-base REActivities.pdf

Mechanistic Motif: Syn-3

Syn-3 REActivities

Mechanistic Motif: Syn-4

syn-4 REActivities

Mechanistic Motif: 1,2-Addition

Mechanistic Motif: 1,2-Substitution

1,2-add/sub REActivities

Deaf Culture and Audism

If you’ve enjoyed learning the ASL signs and narratives for these organic chemistry concepts and would like to learn more about Deaf Culture and Audism, please read Understanding Our Culture by Asma Sheikh.

Comprehensive Organic Chemistry ASL

If you are deaf or are an ASL interpreter and are interested in learning about the comprehensive vocabulary and narrative expansions for organic chemistry, please visit the ASLcore website.

 Meaningful Signs While you Teach (Coming Soon)

Soon we will provide instructor tutorials on how a deliberate number of other organic chemistry signs can be utilized in your classroom. Stay tuned!

Meet the ASLcore Organic Chemistry Team

Asma Sheikh BS '19

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Kaitlyn Clark BS '20 MS '22

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Jonathan Dominguez  BS '20 MS '22

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Michelle Mailhot BS '20

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Ashley Gleeson BS '20

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Cody Cummings  BS '20

ASL translator, SLICE team language creator and video signer / Undergraduate student  

Jennifer Swartzenberg

SLICE coordinator, Co-PI/ Deaf Support Faculty and Senior Lecturer

Tina Goudreau Collison

SLICE content expert, PI / Organic Chemistry Professor

Other REActivites To Try

First Day of Lab

Column Chromato-graphy



Data Analysis 

Virtual Lab Videos

Contact Information:

Christina Goudreau Collison

Professor of Chemistry

Rochester Institute of Technology


The authors acknowledge our ancestors and their contributions to chemistry.

The REActivities  team is grateful for the generous support of the National Science Foundation, Rochester Institute of Technology,  the National Institutes of Health, the University of New Mexico, Northern Arizona University,  and Southwestern Indian Polytech Institute for their generous support with our design and development of these materials.